Why Shamanism?

My approach to osteopathy is rooted in seeing the patient as a complete whole - mind, body and spirit. People present with physical aches and pains but there are usually many factors that contribute to their presentation - we are more than just our physical body. It is becoming more scientifically accepted that mind and body function are linked but what about the spirit part? When treating osteopathically, I often felt that after a person had been through a traumatic experience or a shift during a big life transition they would feel disconnected, out of alignment and sometimes not completely present within their body. This led me to explore the concept of dissociation and through my studies, I came across Shamanic ‘soul retrieval’. This is the idea that the parts we split off as a result of trauma can be returned to us and reintegrated. In Shamanism this process uses the self discovery tool of ‘journeying’ which is a way of connecting to the deeper realms of the spiritual self, a quest for answers or guidance. Although some of the concepts may sound unusual to us in the modern world, the fundamental concepts of nature teachings and connection are relevant to us all. Ritual and ceremony have always been part of human culture across the globe and have often been used as a way or marking and processing big life events.

What Is Shamanism?

Shamanism is a form of earth based spirituality that has roots in many different indigenous cultures around the world. Traditionally the shaman or medicine man/woman would be responsible for the health and wellbeing of the tribe, utilising different tools to help recreate a sense of reconnection and wholeness for those experiencing ‘dis-ease’. It is important that the person reconnect to the lost parts of the self in order to then be reintegrated back into the community and to feel safe and connected to the land/surrounding environment.

Different cultures have different shamanic ‘tools’ but there are particular elements that constitute healing being shamanic.

. Animism - The belief that the natural world - land, rocks, plants and animals carry a spiritual and energetic essence. The understanding that we ARE nature and thus our connection to the natural world is of upmost importance for health and well-being.

. Altered States of Consciousness - The Shaman uses trance states to access deeper realms. These states ares often triggered by sound, movement or vibration.

. Intention - Specific focus

. Connection - That healing is about being able to connect to oneself on a deeper level.

. Deep Listening - The ability to be receptive and listen without judgment or interpretation.

Therapeutic Shamanism Sessions

Since 2019 I have been training (Christa MacKinnon, UK) in psycho-spiritual and therapeutic shamanism and the usage of shamanic techniques specifically adapted for working in a modern, contemporary therapeutic session with a client. Sometimes bypassing the thinking, rational mind and accessing our deeper, intuitive essence is very helpful when healing. Some reasons for trying this approach of therapy include:

. Assistance in transitioning through a big life change - Divorce, death of a loved one, motherhood, empty nesting or the feeling of wanting to progress in life to help with the process and formulate a new direction.

. Creative blocks or feeling stuck in life, unsure of your direction.

. Self development/curiosity to understand your self on a deeper level.

. An interest in developing personal spiritual practises and rituals.

The main shamanic tools I use with clients are:

Shamanic Journeying

A guided journey (by being talked into a relaxed stated, similar to hypnotherapy) into the sub conscious mind and shamanic realms or ‘worlds’ where the person can access information, guidance or knowledge. *please note - I do not use any plant medicines or substances in my work.

Ritual & Ceremony

Used for rites or passage, letting go and clearing, expressing gratitude or for calling in/manifesting change of some kind. Ceremony turns the mundane, everyday into something sacred to be honoured. It can also help to physically embody or mark a transition in an intentional and focused way as a way of excepting and acknowledging the process. Together with the client, we formulate a ritual or ceremony that honours their specific intention, this can be done for them to do alone or together.

Medicine Wheel

Many different cultures have their own version of a medicine wheel. The wheel reflects the cycles and seasons of life and when we connect to it, it can show us where we are placing emphasis and where we may be blocked or lacking focus in our life. A useful starting point for a person looking to make changes in their life but are unsure where to start.

Sacred Spaces / Alters

Alters are sacred spaces constructed to help you anchor or focus on honouring somebody or something, bringing something in or letting something go. These spaces are personal to you and you can be creative with the set up, objects and design of it. They can be very small or larger.

How do the sessions work?

The first step is to formulate a specific intention or focus to be worked on. Then I can work with you to suggest an appropriate therapeutic plan. As a starting point I recommend trying the first introductory session. Regardless of the specific intention, this first session will be similar for every client. A ‘shamanic journey’ is taken to establish your ‘power place’ and then also to connect to your ‘power animal’. These are the basic journeying tools that you need to do further more personalised shamanic work. If you like the experience of journeying you can continue with further sessions exploring your own specific intention. To get the most out of the experience I recommend the three sessions outlined below in ‘The Shamanic Journey’ package. There is no set time frame in which to work through the three sessions, process each phase and do the next when you feel ready.

  • Please note there are some contraindications to working with shamanic journeying and trance states. These include unmedicated epilepsy, certain mental health conditions, medications and recreational drug use. It is also advised not to combine a shamanism session with having other types of energy work at the same time for example Reiki. This is simply so that you don’t get ‘over loaded’ I will check with you about these before booking a session.

The Shamanic Journey Package - A three part process using shamanic practices to support us whilst we transition.

Session 1 - Connecting - Where are you currently in your life? What are you keen to explore or to have a greater understanding of?

  • Journey to connect to your power place & power animal

  • The medicine and guidence of the power animal - what can the traits of this animal show us?

  • How to set up an altar/sacred space of intention

Session 2 - Clearing / Releasing - What do you need to let go of/relese in order to move forwards? What is no longer serving you?

  • Journey with your power animal to the four directions of the medicine wheel - checking in with the state of your mind, body, spirt and emotions.

  • Clearing/releasing rituals

  • Add to your altar objects, images or mantras symbolising what you are letting go of.

Session 3 - Transitioning - Envisioning. What do you want to bring in? What do you need to bring back?

  • Journey with your power animal either- Soul retrieval/return the missing part or Wisdom from your guides.

  • Drumming in the returned part or wisdom

  • Add to your alter objects, images or mantras symbolising what you are now envisioning for your future.

“I’ve been seeing Jo for treatment - everything from cranial osteopathy, scar treatment and therapeutic shamanism - for many years now, and I cannot recommend her highly enough. I've sent numerous clients to Jo on recommendation, something I would definitely not do if she wasn't excellent at what she does.

She is kind, thoughtful, insightful and always puts the needs of her clients first. There is no ego with Jo, she is matter-of-fact in her approach, and will always explain exactly what she is doing or is about to do so there is never any concern over what is about to happen.

Equally important for me, is that Jo was integral in helping me start my journey into shamanism at a time when I was very much searching for something I couldn't put my finger on. But she discussed what was happening - how it was manifesting in my body - and guided me towards the solution in shamanic practice, which I will be forever grateful for.

If only we could clone Jo and have every osteopath be like her, the world would be a much better, less painful place for us all!” - A.S

‘Simply put Shamanism is about connection - to oneself, to community and to the environment.’